How Often Should You Go to a Dentist?


We know it is a pain to even think about going to your regular dentist visit. In fact, the most probable reason why you are searching for this article is that you have missed your dentist visit.

However, we are here to tell you that you are not treating your teeth right by doing so. Not all your dentist check ups will include a painful extraction or root canal. Some are just routine checkups where the expert will give your insights about your teeth and overall mouth.

Moreover, if you keep on missing these appointments, there is a possibility you might end up going to a very painful appointment. This lack of expert care will eventually lead to tooth decay.

How Often Should You Visit A Dentist

To answer this question, when it comes to the visit to the dentist, you should follow the rule of thumb, which is to go to the dentist every six months.

However, in certain conditions, this frequency has to increase. So, Find the Best Dentist in UAE and book an appointment today.

Why Is This Frequency So Important

To give you a fair idea about why you should visit your dentist more often than every six months.

1. Tooth Decay

Any kind of tooth decay could be a pioneer reason to check with your dentist more frequently. But, many might ask, how should you know you have tooth decay or are at least inching towards one?

The answer is simple.

- Do you deal with pain when chewing something?

- Are you a sweet tooth who is suddenly having gum problems and pain?

- Are your gums bleeding?

- Have you recently chipped your tooth?

All these could be signs of tooth decay, so missing a dentist appointment is a no-no.

2. Habit Of Smoking

If you have a habit of smoking or chewing tobacco, it is not just your lungs that you are putting in danger. It is also your tooth; if you are still not convinced that you should stop smoking, here are some of the brand-new oral issues you will welcome.

- Tooth decaying because of the decaying of enamel.

- Gum diseases like rotting gums and blackening.

- Tooth stained, and chances of plaque.

- Oral cancer, where a chunk of your face might have to be amputated even if you need to get rid of it.

If you understand the gravity of the situation, get some help from frequent dentist visits. They might help you get rid of this worst habit.

3. Sweet Tooth

Having a sweet tooth is no shame. In fact, there are many who are unable to not have sugar even for a single day. However, this love for sucrose can turn addictive. We do not have to mention what sucrose can do to your tooth, but here are some of the common ones.

- Cavities due to accumulation of bacteria called plaque.

- Tooth decay.

- Pain because of depression caused by cavities.

- Root decay.

If you do not treat them quicker, it can lead to tooth extraction. Therefore, it is better to get frequent checkups that can help you get to the root of the problem before it's too late.

If the issue is with your addiction to sweets, the dentist can provide you with a simple and healthy coping mechanism.

4. Pain While Chewing

Pain while chewing, whether it happens while chewing a certain kind of food, shouldn’t be taken lightly. It could be due to plaque buildup, a decaying gun, swelling, or even a genetic issue.

Unfortunately, you wouldn’t know the reason for your pain unless you visit the dentist regularly. Plus, once you know the reason, you have to go for frequent checkups to ensure that your problem is gone from the root.

Is Your Appointment Long Overdue?

Do not be scared of the dentist; their intention is to give you long-lasting, strong teeth. The more you ignore your appointments, the longer it will take for you to deal with the oral issue.

God forbid, if it is too late, you might have to go for surgery to extract the problem once and for all. So, you decide whether a few appointments are easier than one very painful surgery.