Finding Strength Within: Techniques To Enhance Self-Healing

Life can be an amazing adventure with lots of happy moments, love, and things to feel proud of. But it can also be really tough, leaving us feeling hurt and broken inside. The good news is that each of us has an incredible ability to heal ourselves emotionally and come out stronger after going through difficult times.

This article will explore practical ways to build up that inner strength and go on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Understanding Self-Healing: More Than Just 'Getting Over It'

Self-healing isn't about forgetting the pain or pretending it didn't happen. It's a deeper process of facing up to our hurts, understanding where they came from, and then actively taking steps to move forward. It's about learning healthy ways to cope with challenges and becoming more resilient – having the ability to bounce back from setbacks and keep going.

Why Is Self-healing Important?

Think about a physical wound. If you don't treat it properly, it can get worse and become infected. Emotional wounds are similar - if you ignore them, they can fester and negatively impact your overall well-being. Self-healing allows you to address those emotional hurts, stop them from controlling you, and create a more fulfilling life.

Techniques to Help Your Self-Healing Journey

Everyone's healing process is different, and what works for one person might not work for another. But there are some core techniques, such as past life regression therapy, that can be powerful tools:

1. Get In-Tune With Yourself

The first step is recognizing what needs healing. This means being self-aware - paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Notice signals from your body like tension, headaches, or changes in sleep, which can indicate emotional distress. Journaling is great for building self-awareness. Take some time each day to write down your thoughts and feelings without judging them. You may start to see patterns emerge, helping you understand your emotional triggers.

2. Challenge Negative Thoughts

Our thoughts hugely impact how we feel emotionally. Sometimes, we get stuck in negative thinking patterns, dwelling on past mistakes or imagining the worst-case scenarios. Challenge those negative thoughts - ask yourself if they're realistic or actually helpful. Try to reframe them in a more positive way. For example, instead of 'I'm a failure,' tell yourself, 'This setback doesn't define me. I can learn and do better next time.'

3. Practice Forgiveness

Holding onto anger and resentment towards others, or even ourselves, makes it harder to heal. Forgiveness doesn't mean approving of someone's actions; it means letting go of the negativity attached to them. It's about releasing yourself from the burden of those emotions. Remember, forgiveness is a gift you give yourself, not the other person.

4. Build a Support Network

No one heals alone. Surround yourself with supportive, caring people who will listen without judging and offer encouragement. This could be family, friends, a therapist, or a support group. Having people who understand and validate your experience can be incredibly helpful during tough times.

5. Nurture Your Body

Our physical and mental health are closely linked. Taking care of your body is vital for emotional healing. Make sure you're getting enough sleep, eating nutritious foods, and exercising regularly. Physical activity boosts your mood and helps reduce stress and anxiety. Find activities you enjoy, like going for walks in nature, dancing, or playing team sports.

6. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness means focusing your awareness on the present moment without judgment. It allows you to step back from overwhelming thoughts and emotions and tap into inner calm. Techniques like meditation and deep breathing can help you develop mindfulness. By staying present, you can detach from negative thought patterns and cultivate a sense of peace.

7. Practice Gratitude

Taking time to appreciate the good things in your life, no matter how small, can have a huge positive impact. Studies show gratitude reduces stress, increases happiness, and even helps you sleep better. Start a gratitude journal and write down a few things you're grateful for each day - it could be a supportive friend, a beautiful sunset, or a tasty meal.

8. Celebrate Small Wins

Healing isn't a straight line - there will be setbacks along the way. But it's important to celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Did you get through a hard day without falling back into unhealthy coping habits? Did you successfully communicate your needs to someone? Acknowledge those wins, big or small.

Finding Meaning and Purpose: Fuel for Your Healing

While those techniques provide great tools, there's another crucial piece - having a sense of purpose. Purpose gives our lives meaning and direction, motivating us to keep going through tough times.

Here are some ways to explore your purpose:

  • Reflect on your values: What matters most to you? Helping others? Creativity? Adventure? Identifying your core values lays the foundation for a purposeful life. Ask yourself, "What activities make me feel fulfilled? What causes ignite my passion?"

  • Explore strengths and interests: We all have unique talents and things we enjoy. Think about your gifts and how you could use them to contribute to something meaningful. Maybe volunteer for a cause you care about or take a class to develop new skills.

  • Set goals: Having goals provides a sense of direction and accomplishment. Start small and work up to bigger goals over time. The process of working towards something keeps you engaged and motivated.

Remember, purpose is an ongoing journey, not a final destination. It's okay if it shifts - the key is to keep exploring and seeking experiences aligned with your values.

Be Kind to Yourself

Throughout your healing, it's vital to practice self-compassion. This means treating yourself with kindness and understanding like you would a dear friend going through a hard time.

  • Acknowledge your struggles: Don't beat yourself up for feeling hurt or down. Healing takes real time and effort. Let yourself feel those emotions

  • Practice self-care: Do things that nourish your physical and mental well-being - get enough rest, eat nourishing foods, and engage in activities that bring you joy.

  • Accept yourself: We all have flaws and imperfections. Instead of demanding perfection, accept yourself - strengths, weaknesses, and all. That self-acceptance allows you to move forward confidently.

Getting Professional Help

There's absolutely no shame in seeking professional help for emotional challenges. Therapists are trained to provide guidance and support on the healing journey. They can offer tools for coping with difficult emotions, developing healthy habits, and boosting self-esteem.

You may want to consider therapy if:

  • You feel overwhelmed by emotions you can't manage alone

  • You're really struggling with daily tasks or relationships

  • You're turning to unhealthy behaviors to cope with pain

  • You're having thoughts of self-harm or suicide

Reaching out is a sign of strength, not weakness. A therapist can be an invaluable partner.

The Bottom Line

Self-healing is a lifelong process with ups, downs, frustrations, and setbacks. But by using these techniques, being kind to yourself, and getting support when needed, you can tap into your inner strength and resilience. This journey isn't just about recovering from pain - it's about rediscovering who you are, building a more fulfilling life, and becoming the best version of yourself.

The Surprising Link Between Your Jaw, Stomach, and Overall Health

By Laura Michelle Powers: Celebrity Psychic, Author, and host of Healing Powers Podcast

Have you ever woken up with a sore jaw or caught yourself grinding your teeth? This is not just about your teeth or jaw; it's a sign from your body that something deeper might be going on. Today, let's explore how issues like TMJ (that jaw pain you feel when you chew or yawn) and teeth grinding are connected to your stomach's health and even parasites. Plus, we’ll talk about a simple way to feel better using a special spot on your face called the ST6 acupressure point.

Why Your Jaw and Teeth Matter More Than You Think

When your jaw hurts or you grind your teeth, it’s often your body's way of saying it's stressed. But that's not all. These issues can also be linked to problems in your stomach and digestion. Yes, the way your stomach feels can actually affect your jaw!

The Magic of the ST6 Point

There's a spot on your jaw, right where the muscle pops up when you bite down, called the ST6 acupressure point. Pressing this spot gently can help ease jaw tension and might even help your stomach feel better. Why? Because this spot is connected to the health of your stomach in traditional Chinese medicine. So, by helping your jaw relax, you're also sending a little love to your stomach.

Parasites: The Hidden Trouble Makers

Now, let's add another layer to this story: parasites. These unwelcome guests in your stomach can cause all sorts of trouble, from making you feel tired to messing with your digestion. And because everything in your body is connected, parasites can also add to the stress that leads to jaw pain and teeth grinding.

Simpler Steps to Feeling Better

Understanding these connections is the first step toward feeling better. By looking after your stomach's health, managing stress, and using simple techniques like pressing the ST6 acupressure point, you can start to ease jaw pain and protect your teeth from grinding. It’s all about taking care of your whole self – your mind, body, and spirit.

Want to dive deeper into this topic and learn more about how everything in your body is connected? Check out the Healing Powers Podcast on Spotify. We talk about all sorts of ways to feel better, from the inside out.

Listen to the Healing Powers Podcast for more tips and stories

Additional health and wellness information pieces are included in the book, Diary of a Psychic.

Join me, and let’s explore how to unlock our body’s healing powers together!

Exploring Wellness in the Age of AI with a Touch of Energy and Spirit

By Laura Michelle Powers: Celebrity Psychic, Author, and host of Healing Powers Podcast

In the ever-evolving landscape of health and wellness, there's a new player making waves, and it's not a superfood or a trendy workout routine – it's artificial intelligence (AI). The fusion of AI with our wellness pursuits is not just revolutionary; it's reshaping how we approach our health, energy, and spirit in the most personalized way imaginable.

Imagine a world where your wellness plan is tailored just for you, not based on generic advice but on your unique lifestyle, preferences, and goals. AI is making this a reality, offering bespoke solutions that range from nutrition to exercise, and even mental health support. This isn't about cold, impersonal technology; it's about harnessing AI to bring a new level of warmth and personalization to our wellness routines.

But how does AI actually blend into our quest for better health and higher spirits? It starts with understanding. AI systems can analyze our habits, preferences, and even our moods, offering suggestions that resonate with our personal journey. Whether it's recommending the perfect workout to boost your energy or suggesting mindfulness practices to elevate your spirit, AI is becoming a cornerstone of a holistic approach to wellness.

For those curious about the intersection of AI, energy, and spirit, the "AI Millionaires" podcast is a treasure trove of insights. Hosted by Laura Michelle Powers and Ashley Jackson, this podcast doesn't just scratch the surface. Laura and Ashley dive deep into how AI technologies are revolutionizing the way we think about wellness, offering a blend of expert knowledge and relatable discussions that make the subject accessible to everyone.

Their conversations shed light on the potential of AI to enhance our daily lives, not by taking the human element out of wellness, but by enriching it, making our journey towards better health more informed, efficient, and tailored to our individual needs.

So, if you're intrigued by the promise of AI in transforming wellness, and how it can energize your body while uplifting your spirit, "AI Millionaires" on Spotify is your go-to resource. Join Laura and Ashley as they explore the dynamic world of AI and wellness, and discover how to infuse your wellness journey with a dose of intelligence, energy, and spirit.

Check Out AI Millionaires on Spotify for More:

How Tuning Forks Can Be Used for Wellness

By Laura Michelle Powers: Celebrity Psychic, Author, and host of Healing Powers Podcast

Wellness Innovation Discussion

As a dedicated digital marketer specializing in the health and wellness sector, my role revolves around leveraging my extensive knowledge in sales, marketing, and creative problem-solving to help individuals seeking to improve their health and wellness. I am committed to finding innovative solutions to address the common struggles faced by those aiming to feel better, both physically and mentally. My approach is professional and focused on delivering meaningful results. Let's discuss how we can further enhance our strategies to meet the needs of our clients effectively.

Unlocking the Power of Tuning Forks for Wellness

In the quest for holistic health and wellness, an ancient yet underappreciated tool is making a resurgence: the tuning fork. This simple instrument, often associated with music, holds profound healing capabilities that can be a game-changer for those seeking to enhance their well-being.

Tuning forks, when struck, emit pure sounds that are believed to promote healing and balance within the body. The science behind this is rooted in the concept of resonance and vibration. Every cell and organ in our bodies vibrates at specific frequencies, and when out of balance, disease and discomfort can arise. The pure tones produced by tuning forks can help realign these vibrations, restoring balance and promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

How Tuning Forks Can Be Used for Wellness

1. Reducing Stress and Anxiety: The soothing vibrations from a tuning fork can help calm the mind, reducing stress and anxiety levels. This can be particularly beneficial before meditation or yoga, preparing the body and mind for deep relaxation.

2. Enhancing Meditation: The use of tuning forks can deepen meditation practices by helping to focus the mind and elevate the meditative state. The sound waves penetrate deep into the consciousness, facilitating a more profound connection and experience.

3. Improving Physical Healing: On a physical level, the vibrations from tuning forks can help improve circulation and increase the flow of energy or chi, speeding up the healing process. They are also used by some practitioners to alleviate pain and inflammation.

4. Balancing the Chakras: Tuning forks tuned to specific frequencies can be used to open, clear, and balance the chakras, the energy centers of the body. This can help in releasing blockages and restoring harmony within the energy system.

5. Enhancing Overall Well-being: The benefits of tuning forks extend beyond the physical, promoting emotional balance, mental clarity, and spiritual growth. Incorporating tuning forks into your wellness routine can lead to an enhanced sense of peace and overall well-being.

For those intrigued by the potential of tuning forks for wellness and interested in exploring this healing modality further, an opportunity awaits. Join the Woo Woo Mastermind, a community dedicated to exploring and embracing unconventional wellness practices. By becoming a part of this mastermind, you'll gain access to a wealth of knowledge, experiences, and like-minded individuals passionate about holistic health and healing.

To learn more and to join this vibrant community, visit the mastermind page at Don't miss the chance to embark on this fascinating journey into the world of tuning forks and beyond. Together, let's unlock the secrets to a healthier, more balanced life.


Cheryl Kasper is a trailblazer in the field of holistic health and wellness, renowned for her innovative use of tuning forks in coaching sessions. With a background rich in healing practices, Cheryl has dedicated her career to exploring the intersection of sound therapy and personal development. She is a wellness coach, with a special focus on vibrational healing techniques that promote balance, healing, and transformation.

Cheryl is one of the experts in the Woo Woo mastermind and for those who want to dive more deeply into the frequencies as a tool for transformation, you can learn more at

9 Special Gift Ideas For Long-Distance Family Members

For most, family is the most valuable thing in the world. It gives individuals a sense of belonging and a place to be themselves and share their hopes, dreams, and fears. And while it's great when family members can be near each other, sometimes this isn't possible.

It can be tough to feel like you're still connected when you're separated from your family by distance. Although you might not see your loved ones as often as you want, they might not even know that you're always thinking about them. But no matter how far away they are, family is family.

One way to show appreciation for the ones who mean the most to you is by sending them a gift they will cherish forever. Gift-giving is a way to express gratitude and can invite positive energy into your life. However, finding the perfect gift may be challenging when your loved one lives far away. Here are some unique gift ideas that will make sure your loved one knows how special they are:

1. Gift Jewelry Accessories

Jewelry is a great gift idea for family members who live far away. You can get them something they will wear every day that reminds them of how much you care about them. A bracelet or necklace with their initials engraved is a thoughtful gift that shows the recipient that you are always thinking about them. To find the perfect necklace or bracelet, visit an online store like SVANA. They have a large selection of options for all ages and styles. So, you'll surely find one that fits your loved one.

2. Nostalgic Family Lamp

If you want a gift to remind the recipient of your family's love, consider getting them a nostalgic family lamp. These lamps come in many styles and colors, so everyone can find one that fits their tastes. They will look great on any table or desk and can remind them that you will always be together in spirit, no matter how far away you are from each other.

3. Personalized Map

If you are looking for a gift to make your loved one smile, consider getting them a personalized map. You can engrave the map with their name and any other information they want. It will look great hanging in their home or office and serve as a daily reminder of the many places you have traveled together during your time there.

4. Books and Journal

Personalized gifts are a wonderful present for anyone, but they are ideal for loved ones who like writing. You can get them a book filled with one of your favorite stories, photos, poems, or quotes from when you were younger. It will help them remember all the good times you have had together during your time together and over the years.

5. Picture Frames

Picture frames are a great gift for anyone, but they are ideal for loved ones who like to take pictures. If you have family photos, they can use them to decorate their side or office tables. Picture frames don't cost a lot, so they're a perfect gift if you're considering an inexpensive but functional item to give your distant loved ones.

6. Mugs and Drinkware

To let your family members who are far from you know you're thinking about them, you can get them personalized drinkware with your pictures together or their initials. It is best for people who like to drink coffee, tea, or hot cocoa in the morning. You can even get them a mug with their name engraved on one side and a message from you on the other, so they know how much you love them every time they take a sip of their favorite beverage.

7. Key Chains

A key chain can be a good gift for family members who have moved away from home. You can get them a personalized keychain with their name or initials engraved on it, so they know you're thinking about them every time they use their keys. It is also best for people who like to keep track of their keys and don't want to lose them.

8. Photo Albums

If you are looking for a gift that the recipient will cherish forever, consider getting them a photo album. You could use a traditional leather-bound book or get something more modern and fun, like an accordion-style album. Either way, it'll be filled with memories of the great times shared between you and your family. It is one gift they will never forget.

9. Personalized Cushion Covers

What better way to show your family members how much you love them than by giving them a personalized cushion cover? You can get any design you like, making it the perfect gift for anyone who loves to relax on the couch with their favorite pillow. You can get your family member's name, initials, or even their favorite saying engraved on the cover to make it more personal.


If you are looking for a gift idea that your family member will love, consider getting them something personalized. A personalized gift demonstrates that you thought about what you were giving and elevated it from just another item in their possession to something special. You can get any gift engraved or etched with your family member's name or initials, making them feel even more special when they receive it.

How Often Should You Go to a Dentist?


We know it is a pain to even think about going to your regular dentist visit. In fact, the most probable reason why you are searching for this article is that you have missed your dentist visit.

However, we are here to tell you that you are not treating your teeth right by doing so. Not all your dentist check ups will include a painful extraction or root canal. Some are just routine checkups where the expert will give your insights about your teeth and overall mouth.

Moreover, if you keep on missing these appointments, there is a possibility you might end up going to a very painful appointment. This lack of expert care will eventually lead to tooth decay.

How Often Should You Visit A Dentist

To answer this question, when it comes to the visit to the dentist, you should follow the rule of thumb, which is to go to the dentist every six months.

However, in certain conditions, this frequency has to increase. So, Find the Best Dentist in UAE and book an appointment today.

Why Is This Frequency So Important

To give you a fair idea about why you should visit your dentist more often than every six months.

1. Tooth Decay

Any kind of tooth decay could be a pioneer reason to check with your dentist more frequently. But, many might ask, how should you know you have tooth decay or are at least inching towards one?

The answer is simple.

- Do you deal with pain when chewing something?

- Are you a sweet tooth who is suddenly having gum problems and pain?

- Are your gums bleeding?

- Have you recently chipped your tooth?

All these could be signs of tooth decay, so missing a dentist appointment is a no-no.

2. Habit Of Smoking

If you have a habit of smoking or chewing tobacco, it is not just your lungs that you are putting in danger. It is also your tooth; if you are still not convinced that you should stop smoking, here are some of the brand-new oral issues you will welcome.

- Tooth decaying because of the decaying of enamel.

- Gum diseases like rotting gums and blackening.

- Tooth stained, and chances of plaque.

- Oral cancer, where a chunk of your face might have to be amputated even if you need to get rid of it.

If you understand the gravity of the situation, get some help from frequent dentist visits. They might help you get rid of this worst habit.

3. Sweet Tooth

Having a sweet tooth is no shame. In fact, there are many who are unable to not have sugar even for a single day. However, this love for sucrose can turn addictive. We do not have to mention what sucrose can do to your tooth, but here are some of the common ones.

- Cavities due to accumulation of bacteria called plaque.

- Tooth decay.

- Pain because of depression caused by cavities.

- Root decay.

If you do not treat them quicker, it can lead to tooth extraction. Therefore, it is better to get frequent checkups that can help you get to the root of the problem before it's too late.

If the issue is with your addiction to sweets, the dentist can provide you with a simple and healthy coping mechanism.

4. Pain While Chewing

Pain while chewing, whether it happens while chewing a certain kind of food, shouldn’t be taken lightly. It could be due to plaque buildup, a decaying gun, swelling, or even a genetic issue.

Unfortunately, you wouldn’t know the reason for your pain unless you visit the dentist regularly. Plus, once you know the reason, you have to go for frequent checkups to ensure that your problem is gone from the root.

Is Your Appointment Long Overdue?

Do not be scared of the dentist; their intention is to give you long-lasting, strong teeth. The more you ignore your appointments, the longer it will take for you to deal with the oral issue.

God forbid, if it is too late, you might have to go for surgery to extract the problem once and for all. So, you decide whether a few appointments are easier than one very painful surgery.

Fall Eclipses 2022

By Laura Michelle Powers: Celebrity Psychic, Author, and host of Healing Powers Podcast

New moons are the rejuvenation point in the monthly lunar cycle, and that’s why it’s a perfect moment for new beginnings and setting up new intentions. October’s new moon is a solar eclipse so it’s charged with a chaotic and fated energy. During a solar eclipse, unexpected shifts in our path can take place quickly, and new opportunities can transpire outwardly out of thin air.

The spiritual meaning of the October 2022 eclipse is bringing compassion change for all zodiac signs, so it’s essential to trust the universe and roll with the unpredictability. This month’s eclipse will happen in the emotionally intense sign of Scorpio, the spiritual meaning of the October 2022 new moon eclipse will help release the truth in our aspirations and reconstruct our values.

We will witness two awesome celestial events which will feature a partial solar eclipse on October 25 and total lunar eclipse on November 7-8.

Partial Solar Eclipse

On October 25, Europe, Northeast Africa, Mid East, and West Asia will experience a celestial event where the Sun, Moon, and Earth will be on the same plane resulting in the moon to blocks the Sun partially for some period of time, and some part of the sun is visible, whereas the blocked part seems dark. Unfortunately, this eclipse is not visible in North America.

Who will see the partial solar eclipse?

The partial eclipse isn’t visible everywhere but some locations below view the eclipse and that includes the following regions: Europe, Northeast Africa, Mid East, and West Asia.

Below are the actual times (in UTC) when the partial solar eclipse occurs.

The first location to see the partial eclipse begin: 25 Oct, 08:58:21 (UTC)

Maximum Eclipse: 25 Oct, 11:00:16 (UTC)

Last location to see the partial eclipse end: 25 Oct, 13:02:11 (UTC)

The partial solar eclipse this Oct 25 is followed two weeks after by a total lunar eclipse on Nov 8.

How to safely view the partial solar eclipse?

Avoid looking at the partial solar eclipse through your naked eye as this may cause eye damage. Use eye protection and if you’re going to watch the partial solar eclipse, you need to use glasses to look at this event and remember to put solar filters in front of any binoculars or camera lens that you’re using. Don’t look using your camera’s optical viewfinder instead use the LCD screen.

Take advantage to find a good spot to view in the direction of the sunrise. Take this time to set intentions and make choices that align you with the life you want and love!

Total Lunar Eclipse

Eclipses are indicators of change and can be an extremely powerful time for cleansing our emotions. At a lunar eclipse, the shadow of the Earth falls across the Moon and brings unconscious feelings to the surface, grounding them in reality. Lunar eclipses are culminations of emotional cycles and encourage us to release of emotions and attachments that no longer serve us. Keep in mind that endings may be difficult, but everything is cyclical: A climax happens on the edge of a beginning.

A total lunar eclipse will happen on November 7-8, this is when the Moon passes into Earth's umbral shadow, and can result in the Moon turning to color red. It is sometimes called a 'blood Moon', though astronomers aren't super keen on that term. This is relatively a common phenomenon that can usually be seen on average – once every 2.5 years.

The good thing about the lunar eclipse is that it’s safe to view with our naked eye. The reason is that lunar eclipses only reflect sunlight. With regard to skywatching events to observe, lunar eclipses are among the easiest to watch. You simply go out and look up, and enjoy without using a telescope or any other equipment. However, for a better view, you can use a telescope to bring out more details on the lunar surface.

Below are the times when the total lunar eclipse occurs

Totality ends at 11:41 UTC on November 8 (6:41 a.m. EDT).

Partial eclipse ends at 12:49 UTC on November 8 (7:49 a.m. EDT).

Penumbral eclipse ends at 13:56 UTC on November 8 (8:56 a.m. EDT).

Maximum eclipse is at 10:59 UTC on November 8 (5:59 a.m. EDT).

Duration of totality: About 85 minutes.

How to safely view the total lunar eclipse?

Lunar eclipses are safe to view with our naked eye. You can use binoculars and telescopes to enhance the view though aren’t required.


Earthsky - Total lunar eclipse on November 8, 2022

Earthsky - What is an eclipse?

NHM - Lunar Eclipse Guide What They are, When to See Them and Where

Space - Lunar Eclipse Guide

Timeanddate - 2022 Partial Solar Eclipse

Astrological Happenings Right Now


By Laura Michelle Powers: Celebrity Psychic, Author, and host of Healing Powers Podcast

Planetary retrogrades can be a wonderful time for slowing down and realigning ourselves. Right now we have 6 retrograde planets! Here are simple insights to help you navigate with more peace and ease.


When: September 9-October 2, 2022

December 29, 2022-January 18, 2023

We are on the third Mercury retrograde of the year, and it’s the fastest moving retrograde and also intense compared to the other. It’s not something to fear. In fact, it's also a good time to remain organized, and be mindful of your communication, and time and care with communicating, contracts, travel, and anything involving tech. It is a great time to declutter and organize.


When: April 29-October 28, 2022

Pluto retrogrades normally last between five and six months. Pluto is sometimes overlooked due to its size, but it's fierce in terms of astrology. Pluto is a brutal master - as the planet of regeneration, death, and rebirth many things can shift and be released for us during its retrograde cycle. There’s nothing to fear in Pluto retrograde, this should be a time for people to make changes professionally that are more in alignment with their goals.


When: June 4-October 23, 2022

Saturn stations retrograde once every year, spending one-third of the year retrograde. Saturn is known for its cold, and sometimes serious and harsh influence. Saturn retrograde 2022 wants you to see and achieve your best, most authentic life. There might be a some obstacles and pains along the way as this can be a difficult energy to deal with. Saturn retrograde is a great time to refocus on your priorities. Are you spending your time and energy on what’s important to you?


When: June 28-December 4, 2022

Neptune stations retrograde only once a year, spending nearly half of the year, and normally last between five to six months.

Neptune is a planet of feminine energy. Neptune retrogrades act as a reality check for the cosmos to help you align yourself with love, creativity, and spirituality. You will gain a deeper understanding of any illusions you have that are holding you back. You will see things with more clarity during Neptune retrogrades.


When: July 28-November 23, 2022

Jupiter enters retrograde phase approximately every nine months, and for a period of approximately four months at a time. Jupiter's retrograde often bring detours and chances for course corrections in the area it is transiting.

When Jupiter goes retrograde it is marked as a time for introspection, diving deep, spiritual growth, and shifts. Focusing on the big picture, your life purpose and making course corrections as necessary is a great thing to do during these retrograde periods.


When: August 25, 2022-January 1, 2023

Uranus is linked to surprises, innovation, revolution, and liberation. Uranus retrograde will make you stronger and tougher to handle whatever it may bring you. It makes things a bit clearer as opposed to when it's moving direct. Uranus will try to create a more expansive vision for you, though it’s not a comfortable journey. You'll come back more empowered with potential change and surprises moving forward.


When: October 30, 2022-January 1, 2023

Mars is the planet of energy, action, and sexual desire. Mars rules your drive and energy and it’s hard to function at your best during its retrograde. It has the tendency to make you feel slow. When Mars is in retrograde we may instead find ourselves in turmoil, frustrated by the lack of forward movement. Plans that are started during Mars retrograde May fizzle out, our motivation may shift, passionate love affairs go flat etc. It’s a good time not to make major commitments.

Sources: - Mars Retrograde - Retrograde

Kathryn Hocking - Jupiter Retrograde

My Imperfect Life - What Planet is in Retrograde

Style Caster - Neptune Retrograde 2022

Yoga Journal - What Saturn Retrograde Means for You

5 Reasons You Are Seeing Angel Number 2222

Divine guiding powers are around us every second of the day, but more so when spotting the number 2222. In numerology, this number connects to many different meanings, all with a divine outcome for the person seeing it.

The number is associated with partnership, choosing the right path, growth, stability, and karma, among other meanings. Because of all these positive meanings that people link with this number, many consider it a divine or angelic number.

People will often notice this combination of numbers as a date or time or even notice the repeating numbers elsewhere throughout their day, but why will someone see them and why? To find out more about the reasons for these divine numbers' making an appearance, read more below:

1. During Any Major Life Decisions

Everyone has reached a point where they have to make significant decisions about their life, a project, the love of their life, or anything else that is as significant. It is common to feel overwhelmed and unsure of what will happen next when you experience these things.

Seeing the number 2222 reminds the person of the different ways they can go with their decisions and that there is a divine plan for them if they follow the guidance of the higher power of the divine. The number 2222 is a reminder that all will be well in due time. One only needs to be patient and prudent with their actions to arrive at a sound decision on the things that boggle their mind the most.

Are you still lost on the various meanings of the number 2222? You can find more details on this from websites like or similar sources.

2. When Making New Spiritual Connections

During a lifetime, people make many new acquaintances and friends or enter into love relationships. All these create a new spiritual connection for the person; whether it turns out good or bad for them, only time will tell.

Some indicators like the number 2222 that they can look out for will help them make the right choices about these relationships and ensure they have a positive spiritual connection with the other person. When seeing the number, the person should consider all the pros and cons of entering into the partnership. Also, with the help of divine sources, they should be able to see the best way forward.

3. Through Experiencing A Karmic Pattern

A karmic pattern can be extremely frustrating to some, especially when they don't yet see why the events in their lives keep repeating themselves. One inevitable thing about the situation is that the pattern brings many opportunities to attract positive energy, heal and grow.

Sometimes people look for a sign that they are on the right track or for something to tell them what to do—and seeing the number 2222 could be just the reminder they need. The number will indicate that the person must connect with the divine and gather their inner strength to grow out of the pattern.

4. It Is Significant For Professional Relationships

In business, a person could face many choices and options over time, and some of these could require severe thought and introspection. For anyone looking to find guidance from the divine during these times, the number 2222 could have a significant impact.

The number can remind the person to remain grounded and level-headed while following their instincts in the form of intuition. Their trust in the ever-present divine connection will lead them to make the correct decisions regarding their professional life.

5. Meeting A Twin Flame Soul

A twin flame is a profound connection that two people can form instantaneously or over time. Still, they will usually know from the start that the relationship will be something extraordinary. Most people will describe it as 'I just knew it from the start' or 'we just clicked.'

These relationships are so intense that there are many tumultuous times ahead for the pair. However, like all other relationships, they can overcome this if they both stand firm in their divine belief that everything in their interactions will work out for the greater good. The number 2222 will often come up during the stages of these relationships to serve as a prompt to seek divine guidance.

The Divine Ending

The number 2222 can have various meanings depending on the person's situation or the circumstances they find themselves in. Looking for the divine or angelic purpose in the sequence of numbers will lead them to find a spiritual connection that could help them make the best decisions for themselves and others.

Receiving these spiritual markers that serve as reminders or guidelines for the person gives them a sense of peace about their life and that there is a higher power looking out for them wherever they may go.

So, next time you see the number 2222, sit back and take heed. Look for the meaning it has for you and listen for the divine guidance that comes with it.

Laura’s Review: Meal and Food Delivery Service

By Laura Michelle Powers: Celebrity Psychic, Author, and host of Healing Powers Podcast

It’s easy to spend a lot of time shopping for food and preparing meals! I personally have never been grateful to have spent time at the grocery store so I find getting food and meals delivered a great option to free up time to do things I enjoy, spend time with people I love, grow my business, and practice more self care ❤️

Since I am a busy woman and don’t particularly like to cook, I decided to test out some meal and food delivery services to see what the best options were for me. They all had some pros and cons though Imperfect Foods and Instacart were two of my personal favorites.

You can read more below on my thoughts and experiences on each one and get special discounts and credits for each service.

Cookunity provides a personalized meal subscription service. Their meals are ready-to-eat and described as restaurant quality by the company.

Pros: Meals were good quality, low waste packaging, easy to customize.

Cons: very poor customer service and delivery (ultimately cancelled due food repeatedly being delivered to the wrong location).

Get $50 off your first order with this code: Cookunity

Factor provides fresh prepared meals that support different lifestyles. They shop, prepare, cook, and deliver to your door.

Pros: good tasting food, keto options, easy to select meals, good customer service.

Cons: food is wrapped in plastic, no organic options, no dairy free options.

Get $120 off as a new customer:

Imperfect Foods is a subscription service that delivers fresh and seasonal produce, pantry items, meats, cheeses, and fresh flowers.

Pros: large selection, organic options, eco-friendly packaging, economical.

Cons: no options to opt out of certain foods or categories easily.

For 20% off your first Imperfect Foods order, go to:

Instacart operates pick-up service and grocery delivery via their website and mobile app. Each order is assigned to personal shopper who assists in shopping for and delivering groceries and home items. Pay per delivery or monthly subscription options available.

Pros: can order from multiple stores including: natural grocers and sprouts, has organic and gluten free options, very customizable. You have options for expedited delivery for a fee.

Cons: Occasional minor issues with delivery.

Here is a code for $10 off at the cart for Instacart (enter the code at checkout under credits): LPOWERS1781C1

The Good Kitchen is a meal delivery service that caters to people who have specific dietary needs. They also offer a la carte meals and sells some meals on Amazon and at Walmart.

Pros: low calorie and low carb options, gluten-free and grain-free options, good customer service.

Cons: not as tasty as some others, wrapped and packaged in plastic so not eco-friendly.

Get $20 off your first order by using the link:

Signs of Anxiety

A lot of people today are not aware or do not realize that anxiety has some physical symptoms so it’s important that we recognize the signs. If you experience physical symptoms, you may have anxiety issues and it’s important that you seek treatment from health professionals to prevent further effects on your health. When an individual struggles with anxiety, it’s hard to function or move forward resulting in being unproductive on a day-to-day basis.

Understanding the effects of anxiety to your body can give options to treat them or how you will address potential medical conditions. Below are some signs of anxiety and how you can spot them.

Common Symptoms Of Anxiety

Headache: It is a very common experience for people with anxiety to have headaches especially if you are in a situation that is causing you severe anxiety as a result of stress going on through your body.

Nausea: You may feel nauseous after eating or when you are in a situation that can make you nervous. Avoid spicy or acidic food and beverages. The stress can cause a buildup of acid in your stomach and will create digestive issues.

Frequent Urination Or Diarrhea: Some people may experience frequent urination or diarrhea when they experience anxiety. It is our body's reaction to stress due to anxiety.

Rapid Heartbeat: During an anxiety attack, you may feel that your heart is pounding in your chest. An increase of heart rate frequently for a long period of time may increase your risk for heart disease and heart conditions over time such as chest pain, shortness of breath, and dizziness.

Insomnia: Trouble having a good sleep due to the mind that focused on things that happened throughout the day or what might happen tomorrow. The higher the anxiety, the more you will have trouble sleeping

Lesser-Known Symptoms

  • Fatigue

  • Perfectionism

  • Being Indecisive

  • Avoidance

  • Cold Hands and Feet

Hidden signs of anxiety

  • Increasing difficulty in school or work

  • Making excuses for avoiding social gatherings

  • Zoning out

  • Hypervigilance (looking around, watching your back)

  • Hair loss

  • Hair pulling (trichotillomania)

  • Skin picking (Excoriation disorder)

  • Feeling a tightness in your throat

Food to Avoid that Can Trigger Anxiety

  • Alcohol: Drinking alcoholic beverages could mess up your sleep which can raise anxiety due to lack of enough rest.

  • Fruit Juice, Soda, or Diet Soda: High sugar intake can cause some health conditions like obesity and high blood pressure and also be linked to depression and mood swings.

  • Coffee: Excessive caffeine can trigger palpitations, shaking, and insomnia.

  • Bread Toast: White bread are made with processed flour that will turn to blood sugar after eating.

  • Dairy: It is known to contain important nutrients but also causes digestive issues like bloating, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, and leaky gut. Study shows that it triggers inflammation in the brain.

  • Gluten: This has been a suspect in most health issues, causing digestive distress, headache, and skin problems. It also affects the gut and the brain.

  • Processed Foods: It contains a lot of salt that can raise blood pressure and can increase workload to the heart.

Ask for Help

If you think you regularly experience the symptoms of anxiety listed above, it’s important to receive support and utilize tools and resources that can help reduce anxiety. A few tools that I find helpful:


Better Help - 18 Common Physical Symptoms of Anxiety

Family Psychiatry and Therapy - 7 Lesser Known Symptoms of Anxiety

High Focus Centers - Understanding Common and Uncommon Anxiety Signs

Intrepid Mental Health - 5 Common Foods That Can Trigger Anxiety Symptoms

MedicineNet - Is Picking at your Skin a Symptom of Anxiety

Mental Health America - Excoriation Disorder Skin Picking or Dermatillomania

The Earth Diet - 6 Controversial Foods that May Cause Anxiety Including Gluten, Dairy, and Alcohol

Webmd - Foods to Avoid If You Have Anxiety or Depression

4 Ways To Attract Positive Energy Into Your Life


Having positivity in your life means being optimistic in your thoughts and actions. It’s also about maintaining a sense of calm and enthusiasm in the things you do every day. When you have a positive perspective, you see things in a different light, and you get to respond to life’s challenges with resiliency.

Aside from that, having positivity helps you stay motivated to achieve your goals. If you want to stay optimistic despite going through hardships and keep attracting good vibes so you can feel energized and inspired, here are some of the things you can do to accomplish just that:

1. Use Energy Crystals

In ancient times, crystals were used as a form of medicine. Like the ones from Crystal Viden and similar shops, crystals are used for meditation, mindfulness, reflection, and energy. You can turn to different crystals to improve your mood and create a pleasant environment in your home or office. For positive energy, you can try the following:

  • Quartz – It may help destroy negative energy so you can be left with positive thoughts.

  • Turquoise – This helps bring feelings of peace and calmness.

  • Onyx – It’s said to absorb negative energies so you won’t feel or sense them.

  • Citrine – This could bring an abundance of happy energy.

There are many ways you can use energy crystals to harness positive energy. You can wear them as bracelets or necklaces. Alternatively, you can display them in your room.

Being surrounded by positive energy is crucial because it might help you succeed in your work and not think about the bad things.

2. Practice Self-Affirmation

Affirmation is a positive statement to help you overcome any negative thoughts. When you practice self-affirmation regularly, you start to believe the statements you say and attract positive energy to your life. According to some studies, when you spend a few minutes thinking about your good attributes before a meeting or any activity, it helps calm your nerves and increase your confidence. Therefore, doing self-affirmation doesn’t only help you attract positivity but also allows you to become more successful in life.

You can also use self-affirmations when you want to:

  • Control negative emotions like frustration and anger

  • Improve your confidence

  • Increase your productivity

  • Overcome bad habits

Experiencing overwhelming stress removes the positive energy in your life. Self-affirmation may help mitigate the effects of stress and replace it with brighter emotions. Aside from that, self-affirmation practices are used to help people manage depression and other mental health conditions.

3. Be Grateful

When you focus on the things you have instead of the things you lack, you’re able to cultivate gratitude. When you’re grateful, you let go of toxic emotions such as jealousy and envy and replace them with optimistic thoughts, which would make you feel lighter and happier.

There are many ways you can cultivate gratitude in your life and attract positivity simultaneously. One of them is to manifest positive energy during the summer solstice. On that day, daylight is longer, and you get to enjoy the sun before it sets in the evening. You can go out in nature and absorb the beauty of your surroundings. You’ll realize that you’re blessed to witness nature’s majesty, and you’ll have more reason to look back on the many good things that have happened in your life.

Another way to practice gratitude is to keep a gratitude journal. Make it a habit to write at least five things you’re grateful for during the day. You can also write down the little things that make you happy and content with your life. When you read your journal on a particularly tough day, you’ll recognize how far you’ve come and how you’ve managed to weather difficult storms because you’re blessed with things that encourage you to look on the positive side.

4. Remove Negative Influences

Anything or anyone that gives you negative vibes can disrupt your sense of well-being and drain your positive energy. There are many different negative influences today: a toxic friend, hurtful words or content on social media, or vices like gambling, alcohol, and smoking.

To induce optimism in your life, it’s essential to avoid those influences so they won’t affect you in any way. Evaluate your life and determine the factors that trigger your negative emotions. See to it that you don’t give them the power to dampen your mood or lower your perception of yourself.

Instead, surround yourself with people and things that give you happiness. Spend time with people who constantly motivate you or listen to you without judgment. It’d also help to develop healthy habits like exercising regularly, eating right, and meditating.

Final Thoughts

Attracting positive energy is vital in your life because it enables you to attain all of your goals, and it also revitalizes your well-being. Having positive thoughts helps you become a better person and gain gratitude for the things around you. When you harness positivity, you radiate it to other people and influence them as well.

Astrological Alignments for October

By Laura Michelle Powers: Celebrity Psychic, Author, and host of Healing Powers Podcast

On October 6, the new moon falls in Libra and joins forces with Mars, boosting energy and ambition but also you may experience aggression and impatience. With Mercury retrograde since September 27, expect that miscommunication could lead to struggle and a lot of frustration in relationships and personal paths.

What should you do during Mercury retrograde?

Mercury rules communication such as listening, writing, reading, speaking, as well as activities that are related to communication. It could be negotiations. It also rules travel, shipping, and mail. It is important to remain flexible and patient on what you do, and also more understanding. Give yourself extra time for travels and avoid signing on any new contracts or projects that you’re not sure of or compatible with. Also, double check your email responses.

If you have projects and plans during these times, make sure to review it carefully but wait until Mercury is direct again before making the final decisions. Make a back-up plan, and be prepared for any miscommunication you may encounter.

Always take a moment to reflect. Others may blame Mercury retrograde for all the chaos that occurs in their lives however, this is also a great time to loosen up and evaluate what you put your energy toward.

Astrological event this October

October 6 - Marks the end of Pluto retrograde

October 7 - Venus enters adventurous Sagittarius

October 10 - Saturn goes direct.

October 17 - Mercury ends and you might start to feel the shifting of your heavy-duty focus from the internal moving to the external.

October 20 - Full moon in brave Aries.

October 22-23, the sun moves through balance-seeking air sign Libra that will magnify our focus on partnership, beauty, and socializing.


Alamanac - Mercury Retrograde Dates

Allure - October Horoscopes 2021

Astrology - October 2021

Shape - October 2021 Horoscope

The Lion’s Gate Portal, 8-8

By Laura Michelle Powers: Celebrity Psychic, Author, and host of Healing Powers Podcast


New moons in astrology are perfect for a fresh start or doors of opportunity. It’s also a great time to focus on your intentions. This Sunday, August 8, prepare to manifest because the Leo sun and the brightest star in the galaxy, Sirius, will make an annual cosmic alignment also known as the Lion’s Gate. This combination of energy creates a galactic portal that lets high vibrational energy be sent to Earth.

August 8 (or 8/8) is one of the luckiest days of 2021 because the number 8 represents infinity. It also represents the “forever conscious” part of our soul that has lived and will live long after this incarnation. It is also considered as one of the luckiest numbers in numerology that corresponds with wealth and abundance.

During the Lion’s Gate activation:

Allow yourself to pause or take a break.

  • Meditate and simply slow down your mind. 

  • Drink more water to experience those benefits.

  • Unplug from your devices if possible.

  • Don’t engage in activities that you might find superficial or draining.

Things to set intention to experience under Lion’s Gate:

Heart healings - Lion’s Gate portal energies the heart chakra causing the old or present wounds of the heart may come up for healing. You may feel free from any sadness or hardship from your hearts.

Higher Chakra Openings - We have seven main chakras in our body and we also have smaller chakras that can be awakened during the Lion’s Gate portal. This will help us to tap into a higher spiritual knowledge.

Peace - Sirius also has peaceful vibrations so spending time meditating is a perfect way to tap into peaceful energy and use it for restoring your body, mind and soul.

Psychic downloads - Sirius brings high vibrational energy and we are more likely to receive psychic downloads. These can be through our dreams, angels and spirit guides, or simply through hearing and feeling things while meditating. Meditation is one of the great ways to open this energy and also to receive guidance.

Third eye awakenings - Lion’s Gate portal activates the third eye chakra. You may feel more intuitive and learn new things. Our intuition is most likely to be strong and if that’s something you want to work with, then the Lion’s Gate portal is a perfect time to start accessing your intuition more.

Visitations - Under the Lion’s Gate portal energy, it’s more likely that we may receive messages, signs, or even visits from our loved ones who passed away and also from our angels and spirit guides.

Technology - If you have a new tech innovation or maybe you would like to start a website, blog, or anything related to technology then this is a great energy to use to your advantage.

Exclusive Gift For Leo

Leo - also known as the sun sign or natal sign - is literally ruled by the Sun. In addition to being warm, caring, loyal, and highly creative, Leos are also known to have a great sense of humor. Enamel pins custom from are the best gift for Leo, the exclusive design shows their taste in luxury things. You don't need to shell out a fortune for the perfect gift for this fire sign because your favorite Leo bestie or relative is sure to be delighted with a custom Leo gift.

With the New Moon and the Lion's Gate Portal happening this year, it will be a powerful moment to make your dreams come to life. Plan for your personal Lion's Gate ritual, whether it’s tarot cards reading or just simple guided meditation. There are lots of rituals out there that will help you connect this day of mystical energy.


Astrostyle - Lion’s Gate Portal

Bustle - August 8 Is One Of The Luckiest Days Of The Year

Forever Conscious - The Lionsgate 88 Portal

Russh - August’s New Moon Leo Lion’s Gate Portal 2021

Asteroids and Comets Can Go Retrograde Too

By Laura Michelle Powers: Celebrity Psychic, Author, and host of Healing Powers Podcast


When you hear the word 'retrograde' it probably will not make you happy but what we’re about to experience is a little different. This month, an asteroid and a comet are going retrograde and will bring some important introspective energy. This combination could bring us some massive emotions.

Pallas is an asteroid found between Mars and Jupiter and went retrograde in the sign of dreamy Pisces on July 14 until November 8. It will also be connecting with Jupiter, the Planet of Abundance, which is also retrograde in Pisces. This is a good time to use emotional intelligence and personal embodiment to remain in your own power for the greater good.

Chiron is a comet that sits between Saturn and Uranus. Chiron, known as the “wounded healer” went retrograde on July 15 and up to December 19. In Greek mythology, he’s a clever centaur who is a healer and a teacher who could not heal himself, and was once wounded by Hercules’ using a poisoned arrow.

Dates You Can Feel Chiron Retrograde the Most In 2021

July 19: Mercury in Cancer squares Chiron, it will make it difficult to open up about your wounds and insecurities.

August 2: Messenger Mercury in Leo trines Chiron, improving your ability to talk about internal pain and trauma.

August 4: The self-image-ruling sun in Leo trines Chiron, strengthening confidence and a sense of empowerment that can be obtained from dealing with emotional baggage.

October 3: The sun in Libra opposes Chiron, stirring you to reflect on how you're dealing with past wounds.

October 20: The full moon in Aries falls in the same sign as Chiron's retrograde, increase sensitivity and the intensity of your healing process.

During this retrograde, take this as an opportunity to tap into your higher self and it’s important to lead with love, acceptance and kindness but also accept pain and hurt as part of life being a human. You can make use of the energy of the wounded healer's retrograde to stop making excuses and get rid of what's no longer serving you. In return, you’ll come back stronger and prepared to guide others with the same path.


California Psychics - Emotional Healing: Pallas and Chiron Retrograde

Elite Daily - July 2021 New Moon Will Affect These Zodiac Signs The Least

Glamour - Chiron Retrograde

InStyle - Chiron Retrograde 2021 Is Here for the Next 5 Months

Refinery 29 - Pallas Retrograde Is Here, And It May Bring Chaos

Retrograde Basics for Summer into Fall

By Laura Michelle Powers: Celebrity Psychic, Author, and host of Healing Powers Podcast

It’s another retrograde season and for some reason, you may experience your computer crashing, or accidentally erasing a document. Retrogrades tend to attract fear but that doesn’t mean they don’t provoke complications. If you are interested in knowing how to prepare for it, we can talk about the planets that are retrograde in June 2021 and going onwards into the fall. This month involves quite a few retrogrades and five to be exact. Although not all of them will bring the same level of intensity, retrogrades really mean something different and it’s important to make sure that we know their differences.

Mercury, Venus and Mars - their retrogrades are annoying to your day-to-day life. These inner planets move more quickly through the zodiac and lead to an intense impact on the short-term aspects of your life. For the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto), their retrogrades are less noticeable in which there are times that you barely notice them. This is because the outer planets are already retrograde for up to half of the time. The effects of these retrogrades take longer to process and have a large impact on your growth over a long span of time.

5 Planets Will Be Retrograde In June 2021

Pluto Retrograde (April 27 to Oct. 6)

The planet of transformation, power, and destruction — a planet that loves to bring control and obtain power. Pluto works like a building demolition who blows up whatever is false in order to restore it from the ground up.

Saturn Retrograde (May 23 to Oct. 10)

Saturn retrograde is not something to be afraid of. In some other ways, it is something to be acknowledged. It’s because Saturn is the planet of discipline, structure, and tradition. It tends to challenge and push you to work harder. Do not let others pressure you that may result in you feeling uncomfortable. It’s time to let go of your negative thinking and it’s time to bring in healthy boundaries.

Mercury Retrograde (May 29 to June 22)

Mercury is the planet of communication, cognitive function, and logic. It is usually blamed for frustrating things in our day-to-day life  like miscommunications, sending the wrong message to the wrong person, travel delays, annoying disagreement but really, it’s actually a good time to take a pause and reflect on how we interact with others and how we handle life’s ups and downs.

Jupiter Retrograde (June 20 to Oct. 18)

Jupiter, the planet of adventure, philosophy, expansion, and abundance. It is all about growth and opportunity. If you have a habit that is out of control, this retrograde gives you the chance to manage and overcome addictions, negative habits that no longer serve your highest good.

Neptune Retrograde (June 25 to Dec. 1)

Neptune is the planet of fantasies and illusions. It is also called the spiritual planet. This planet can convince you that something is real, even if it’s only imaginary. Some of your own illusions will crumble down and this retrograde will help you see things in a more realistic way.

Knowing about these astrological alignments can often help us have a better understanding of the themes or patterns that are coming up on our lives. Remember that whenever things feel challenging, there is something we are being guided to shift and learn from the experience and there is always a hidden blessing or in some cases multiple blessings.

Wishing you peace and ease during these retrogrades.


Elite Daily - What Planets Are Retrograde June 2021? An Astrologer Explains

ETimes - Mercury Retrograde 2021: Know how it will impact your zodiac sign

Find Your Fate - 2021 Planet Retrogrades

Well and Good - Tips for Pluto Retrograde 2021

How to Harness The Power of The Solstice For Manifesting

By Laura Michelle Powers: Celebrity Psychic, Author, and host of Healing Powers Podcast


What Does The Term “Solstice” Mean?

Solstice came from the Latin word sol meaning "sun" and sistere means "to stand still", because during solstices, the Sun's declination looks "stand still."

Ways to manifest positive change during the summer solstice 2021:

List of gratitudes - write down your gratitudes in a list. Be grateful for all the wonderful things that you accomplished throughout the past six months to celebrate the light and attract more abundance.

Celebration list - create a list of your own achievements in the last six months and make sure to celebrate the fruit of hard work that made all of these things happen.

Get out in nature - spending some time in nature during summer solstice is a perfect way to connect to Mother Earth as well as connect to the elementals too!

Intentions and manifesting actions set during the solstice are very powerful as well! To learn how to increase your manifesting power exponentially, you can also join Laura’s 5-week manifesting program which starts this fall!

How is the summer solstice celebrated?

During ancient times, when the sun appeared to stand still means a reason for them to celebrate. As per Farmers’ Almanac in Ancient Egypt, the summer solstice takes place matching the time the water on the Nile River has risen. People had to plan and protect the society from flooding, the reason why the Egyptian New Year began during the solstice.

In many European cultures, the Irish do hunting on the eve of the solstice to search for gems and gold, which are associated with the sun while silver is associated with the moon. They are also known for celebrations at the solstice like gatherings at Stonehenge and doing bonfires on hilltops. The ancient Greeks used the solstice as the beginning of their one-month countdown to the start of the Olympic games.

Why Isn’t Summer On The Same Date Every Year?

June solstice is not based on a specific calendar date or time when it comes to timing. This depends on when the Sun reaches the northernmost point from the equator. Hence, the summer solstice can occur between June 20, 21, and 22. It is also considered the longest day of the year, meaning the longest hours of sunlight (more than 14 hours of daylight) if you’re living in the northern hemisphere. However, if you’re in the southern hemisphere, then this will appear to be the shortest day of the year.

Tip: On this summer solstice, meet with your best friends and get outside if you can or allowed to. Wear bright or pastel colors and celebrate life together with your friends. Think of the sun as a life force and give thanks for all of the prosperity in your life. Have fun!

However you are spending your summer this year, keep in mind that it officially starts June 20th at 11:32 p.m. EDT.


AZCentral - Summer Solstice Longest Day Of The Year

Farmers’ Almanac - Summer Solstice First Day of Summer

Woman & Home - Harness the spiritual energy of summer solstice 2021 with this manifestation technique

Yahoo Life - The Magical 2021 Summer Solstice Is Coming on June 20

June 10 Solar Eclipse: Lining Up Your Personal Goals and External Self

By Laura Michelle Powers: Celebrity Psychic, Author, and host of Healing Powers Podcast


Sensitive souls will often feel eclipses building as they approach. This is because eclipses often act as major catalysts in our lives!

Eclipses historically acted as a symbolic gateway for faster growth, a time of rapid change internally and externally. This solar eclipse is a perfect time for us to focus on internal change because the sun represents focus on our personal goals and to our external self. It expresses our personality, self-expression and some tangible ways that we do in the world. Ask yourself, what do I want to give and share with the world?

A solar eclipse creates changes in our external circumstances when we are not aligned with what we truly want on a soul level.

On Thursday, June 10, Northern and eastern sections of North America will experience a rare celestial event when the Moon will pass between Earth and the Sun. The Moon will show slightly small and blocking most of the light of the Sun and causing it to look like an annulus. The name derives from the Latin word annulus which means “ring.” This annual solar eclipse is also called the "ring of fire" because at mid-eclipse, a ring of the Sun’s disk can be seen around the Moon.

This is the first solar eclipse of the year and will start at 01:38 am in Los Angeles, will peak at 2:32 am and then finish by 6:30 am.

Who will see the partial eclipse?

The partial eclipse won't be visible everywhere. Here are some locations that can view the eclipse and that includes northern and eastern Canada, far-northern Alaska. In the United States, it is visible from the northern Midwest, and along the East Coast (except Florida). It also falls upon the North Atlantic Ocean and Europe, then on western and northern parts of Asia.

Those in Manhattan will be able to see 72% partial solar eclipse. If you’re in Rochester 78%, and Boston is 72%. In Canada, Toronto will see 80%, and Montreal 79%.

In Europe, 20% partial solar eclipse can be seen in London while Reykjavik in Iceland will see 60%.

How to Safely View the Eclipse

Avoid looking at the solar eclipse through your naked eye as this may cause eye damage or blindness. Always use eye protection if you’re going to watch an annular eclipse. You need to use solar eclipse glasses to look at this event and remember to put solar filters in front of any binoculars or camera lens that you’re using. Don’t look using your camera’s optical viewfinder instead use the LCD screen.

Take the advantage to find a good spot to view in the direction of sunrise or else you might miss it completely because the second and last solar eclipse this year will happen on Dec 4, though it will be able to be seen only from Antarctica, those who lives in southern Africa, including Namibia and South Africa, can take a glimpse of it.

Since solar eclipses are like very powerful new moons, Take this time to set intentions and make choices that align you with the life you want and love!


Earthsky - Annular Solar Eclipse On June 10 2021

Eclipse Glasses - 2021 Eclipse Information

Express - Eclipse 2021: What time does the solar eclipse start?

Insider - How to Watch the 'Ring of Fire' Solar Eclipse on Thursday

JourneyCare - Looking at the Deeper Meaning Behind the Solar Eclipse

Space - Ring of Fire Eclipse 2021

The Super Flower Blood Moon and What it Means for You

By Laura Michelle Powers: Celebrity Psychic, Author, and host of Healing Powers Podcast

An eclipse acts as a symbolic portal and essentially marks a time of rapid or major change. This particular eclipse has a particular focus on personal goals and wants for who we are. Now that the eclipse season is about to happen, this means significant transformations are about to occur! During medieval times, astrologers believed that eclipses usually coincide with a form of natural disaster but it's far more likely that the transformations you see will take place within your life instead.

The eclipse that is taking place this Wednesday is a total lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. This may feel a little bit intense because eclipses create a big impact on the world as a whole. Sagittarius focuses on communication and knowledge and will create a period of major change. The spiritual meaning of this lunar eclipse is about transforming your mindset.

Lunar eclipses tend to create significant endings. It coincides with the signs the lunar nodes are in. The lunar nodes change their signs every 18 months and it brings transformation to the houses they fall in your birth chart while they’re traveling through the zodiac. The lunar nodes mostly fall in opposite signs on the axis. The North Node is in Gemini and the South Node is in Sagittarius.

What is a total lunar eclipse?

A total lunar eclipse happens when the Sun and Moon occupy positions on opposite sides of Earth giving the Moon a reddish or orange shade. This May 26, the moon will undergo a total lunar eclipse and will turn red in less than 15 minutes. This is the biggest and brightest supermoon of the year and called “The Super Flower Blood Moon.” The name was a reference to the blooming flowers that emerge during spring.

How to view the lunar eclipse

Lunar eclipse is safe to be viewed with our naked eye compared to solar eclipse. You just need to go outside and look up at the sky. You might want to use a good camera or even smartphone to capture this first supermoon of 2021 especially if the sky is clear.

Keep in mind that those in Australia, New Zealand, parts of the western U.S. and western South America, and in East Asia will experience the eclipse. You can check on the times below so you know when it will happen depending on your location.

Eclipse times in UTC (May 26, 2021)

Partial umbral eclipse begins: 09:45 UTC

Total eclipse begins: 11:11 UTC

Greatest eclipse: 11:19 UTC

Total eclipse ends: 11:26 UTC

Partial umbral eclipse ends: 12:52 UTC

Eclipse times for North American time zones:

Eastern Daylight Time (May 26, 2021)

Partial umbral eclipse begins: 5:45 a.m. EDT

Total eclipse begins: 7:11 a.m. EDT

Greatest eclipse: 7:19 a.m. EDT

Total eclipse ends: 7:26 a.m. EDT

Partial umbral eclipse ends: 8:52 a.m. EDT

Mountain Daylight Time (May 26, 2021)

Partial umbral eclipse begins: 3:45 a.m. MDT

Total eclipse begins: 5:11 a.m. MDT

Greatest eclipse: 5:19 a.m. MDT

Total eclipse ends: 5:26 a.m. MDT

Partial umbral eclipse ends: 6:52 a.m. MDT

Pacific Daylight Time (May 26, 2021)

Partial umbral eclipse begins: 2:45 a.m. PDT

Total eclipse begins: 4:11 a.m. PDT

Greatest eclipse: 4:19 a.m. PDT

Total eclipse ends: 4:26 a.m. PDT

Partial umbral eclipse ends: 5:52 a.m. PDT

Alaskan Daylight Time (May 26, 2021)

Partial umbral eclipse begins: 1:45 a.m. AKDT

Total eclipse begins: 3:11 a.m. AKDT

Greatest eclipse: 3:19 a.m. AKDT

Total eclipse ends: 3:26 a.m. AKDT

Partial umbral eclipse ends: 4:52 a.m. AKDT

Hawaiian Standard Time (May 25-26, 2021)

Partial umbral eclipse begins: 11:45 p.m. HST (May 25, 2021)

Total eclipse begins: 1:11 a.m. HST (May 26, 2021)

Greatest eclipse: 1:19 a.m. HST

Total eclipse ends: 1:26 a.m. HST

Partial umbral eclipse ends: 2:52 a.m. HST

If you want to let go of something, this is the perfect time to do it. Anything that is released during an eclipse tends to be permanent. Be sure to take time to rest and allow yourself to release those mindsets that keep holding you back from what you want to be.


Astronomy - How to view the Super Flower Blood Moon on May 26

EarthSky - Total Eclipse Of 2021’S Closest Supermoon On May 26

Elite Daily - Spiritual Meaning Of The May 2021 Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse

Forbes - Blood Moon Eclipse 2021

HITC - Super Flower Blood Moon spiritual meaning

NASA - Super Blood Moon: Your Questions Answered

8 Best Mother's Day Present Ideas

By Laura Michelle Powers: Celebrity Psychic, Author, and host of Healing Powers Podcast

Whether you are a mother, are looking for a gift for your mother, or could use a treat yourself, here are a few of my favorites for the favorite women in your life!

Our Favorite Gifts and Treats

Harmoni Pendants

Lessen stress and protect from harmful EMFs or electromotive force with this beautiful pendant. Its tested innovative EMF protection technology is trusted and used by professional athletes and celebrities to improve sleep and reduce stress. It’s possible to protect yourself and look good while doing it!

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Bring peace of mind by getting a top-notch air purifier for your home. Dyson Air Purifiers provide high-quality air purification to keep indoor air pollutants at bay and enjoy healthy, clean air at home.

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This infrared sauna blanket is one I use almost every day! It's relaxing and helps create healthy glowing skin while providing many health benefits. Get 15% OFF when you use HEALINGPOWERS15 upon checkout.

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This aromatherapy soy candle is an all-natural, non-toxic candle infused with essential oils. These wood wick candles are my go to!

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Everyone deserves a spa-worthy relaxation, and this bath oil is a luxurious gift everyone will enjoy!

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Satisfy your sweet tooth cravings with zero-guilt delicious white chocolate peanut butter cups. Made from real premium cocoa butter, sweetened with monk fruit, making this treat Keto-friendly and tasty!

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Another delightful sweet treat! The Keto Bark of ChocZero features dark chocolate with sea salt in almond, coconuts, peanut, pecan, and peppermint variants, so you can find a flavor to your taste, whatever your preference.

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This is one of my favorite subscription gift boxes with options for him, beauty, and fashion that you can choose from! It’s a great value, I look forward to my box every season!

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Sometimes it’s hard to shop for Mother’s Day so I hope my top picks and present ideas help you decide what to give on a special day. These are also fabulous treats for yourself on any occasion!


Choc Zero - Keto Bark

Choc Zero - Low Carb Peanut Butter Cups

Craft & Kin - Palo Santo Scented Candles

Dyson - Air Treatments, Air Purifiers

FabFitFun - Get The Box

Harmoni Pendant - The Future of EMF Protection & Stress Support

HigherDose - Infrared Sauna Spas and Blankets in NYC

Petit Vour - Bath Oil