Asteroids and Comets Can Go Retrograde Too

By Laura Michelle Powers: Celebrity Psychic, Author, and host of Healing Powers Podcast


When you hear the word 'retrograde' it probably will not make you happy but what we’re about to experience is a little different. This month, an asteroid and a comet are going retrograde and will bring some important introspective energy. This combination could bring us some massive emotions.

Pallas is an asteroid found between Mars and Jupiter and went retrograde in the sign of dreamy Pisces on July 14 until November 8. It will also be connecting with Jupiter, the Planet of Abundance, which is also retrograde in Pisces. This is a good time to use emotional intelligence and personal embodiment to remain in your own power for the greater good.

Chiron is a comet that sits between Saturn and Uranus. Chiron, known as the “wounded healer” went retrograde on July 15 and up to December 19. In Greek mythology, he’s a clever centaur who is a healer and a teacher who could not heal himself, and was once wounded by Hercules’ using a poisoned arrow.

Dates You Can Feel Chiron Retrograde the Most In 2021

July 19: Mercury in Cancer squares Chiron, it will make it difficult to open up about your wounds and insecurities.

August 2: Messenger Mercury in Leo trines Chiron, improving your ability to talk about internal pain and trauma.

August 4: The self-image-ruling sun in Leo trines Chiron, strengthening confidence and a sense of empowerment that can be obtained from dealing with emotional baggage.

October 3: The sun in Libra opposes Chiron, stirring you to reflect on how you're dealing with past wounds.

October 20: The full moon in Aries falls in the same sign as Chiron's retrograde, increase sensitivity and the intensity of your healing process.

During this retrograde, take this as an opportunity to tap into your higher self and it’s important to lead with love, acceptance and kindness but also accept pain and hurt as part of life being a human. You can make use of the energy of the wounded healer's retrograde to stop making excuses and get rid of what's no longer serving you. In return, you’ll come back stronger and prepared to guide others with the same path.


California Psychics - Emotional Healing: Pallas and Chiron Retrograde

Elite Daily - July 2021 New Moon Will Affect These Zodiac Signs The Least

Glamour - Chiron Retrograde

InStyle - Chiron Retrograde 2021 Is Here for the Next 5 Months

Refinery 29 - Pallas Retrograde Is Here, And It May Bring Chaos