The Surprising Link Between Your Jaw, Stomach, and Overall Health

By Laura Michelle Powers: Celebrity Psychic, Author, and host of Healing Powers Podcast

Have you ever woken up with a sore jaw or caught yourself grinding your teeth? This is not just about your teeth or jaw; it's a sign from your body that something deeper might be going on. Today, let's explore how issues like TMJ (that jaw pain you feel when you chew or yawn) and teeth grinding are connected to your stomach's health and even parasites. Plus, we’ll talk about a simple way to feel better using a special spot on your face called the ST6 acupressure point.

Why Your Jaw and Teeth Matter More Than You Think

When your jaw hurts or you grind your teeth, it’s often your body's way of saying it's stressed. But that's not all. These issues can also be linked to problems in your stomach and digestion. Yes, the way your stomach feels can actually affect your jaw!

The Magic of the ST6 Point

There's a spot on your jaw, right where the muscle pops up when you bite down, called the ST6 acupressure point. Pressing this spot gently can help ease jaw tension and might even help your stomach feel better. Why? Because this spot is connected to the health of your stomach in traditional Chinese medicine. So, by helping your jaw relax, you're also sending a little love to your stomach.

Parasites: The Hidden Trouble Makers

Now, let's add another layer to this story: parasites. These unwelcome guests in your stomach can cause all sorts of trouble, from making you feel tired to messing with your digestion. And because everything in your body is connected, parasites can also add to the stress that leads to jaw pain and teeth grinding.

Simpler Steps to Feeling Better

Understanding these connections is the first step toward feeling better. By looking after your stomach's health, managing stress, and using simple techniques like pressing the ST6 acupressure point, you can start to ease jaw pain and protect your teeth from grinding. It’s all about taking care of your whole self – your mind, body, and spirit.

Want to dive deeper into this topic and learn more about how everything in your body is connected? Check out the Healing Powers Podcast on Spotify. We talk about all sorts of ways to feel better, from the inside out.

Listen to the Healing Powers Podcast for more tips and stories

Additional health and wellness information pieces are included in the book, Diary of a Psychic.

Join me, and let’s explore how to unlock our body’s healing powers together!